Online Marketing

Online Marketing

Having a website online is great, but to be really beneficial, it obviously needs to attract visitors. Our Online Marketing services help to get your website seen by more people, and more importantly, by more prospective customers.

Online Marketing, also known as Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, and e-marketing, covers the marketing and promotion of your goods and services online.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO and Search Engine Optimisation have become huge buzzwords on the Internet in recent years. This process is concerned with making changes and optimisations to your website to improve how well your website ranks in search engine results.

SEO isn't a science, but rather an art. No-one has the definitive answer on how to guarantee your website ranking at the top of the search results. Instead, progress is made to improve your rankings by methodical and carefully planned optimisations.

Google uses over 200 criteria, or signals, to determine how well one website should rank compared to another, those signals are well-guarded secrets.

Experienced SEO Experts

Fleet Web Design has been using SEO to optimise websites for search engines for many years, and we've always seen successful results.

The results from one of our most recent client projects can be seen below. This is the recorded traffic as seen in Google Analytics over a 15 month period, which resulted in an increase from 600 visitors per month, to over 1,800.

Cross-browser compatability

This report is a good example of what to expect from detailed, methodical, and successful SEO.

SEO For New Websites

If you have a new website, SEO may not be the best option on day 1. We always recommend allowing a website to settle-in on the Internet first, to see where the site would be positioned naturally. Only after this can optimisation sensibly be made. We suggest allowing up to 3 months for this.

New websites are known to move around eractically in search engine results in the first few weeks or months of going live. This is caused by the search engine testing out new scenarios. Clearly any optimisations made too soon can't be monitored correctly.

Google Sandbox

In addition to websites moving around eractically in the early days, they are also known to disappear completely from the search results for a short time whilst the website is placed in the Google Sandbox. This is where Google carries out some extremely detailed analysis of the website, before releasing back into the normal search results.

Any optimisations made during this time would not see any improvemnt.

Online Marketing Contracts

We don't believe in long-term contracts, and like our results to speak for themselves. All our Online Marketing services are pay-as-you-go, as a monthly fee.

Our SEO prices start at just £99 for our Starter package for small brochure-type websites. Our Small Business package at £199, is aimed towards websites with 5-10 pages and target 5 keywords or keyword phrases that you wish your website to rank highly for. Our Corporate package at £399 is designed for larger corporate websites, with 10+ pages, and targetting 10 keywords.

We use these prices as a guide only, since no two websites are the same, and your quote will be unique to your needs.

To discuss your online marketing requirements, please talk to us today.

Website Hosting

Web Hosting

Keeping your website hosted on our secure servers gives us the edge in improving your websites ranking by being in a great position to make quick changes to your website. There are 3 approaches to web hosting:

  • Shared Hosting
  • Managed Hosting
  • Dedicated Servers

You can read more about our Web Hosting services by following the link on the top menu.

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